Today was nice and relaxing. I got up and played with little man and continued working on laundry. Nothing interesting really happened this morning. He took an unbelievably long nap though. Rob came to pick me up at 3 to take me to base to get my car and Alicia H. sat at the house with little man and waited for him to get up. I dropped off Bruce's boots and got the car and on the way home I had to pick up some ant killer because our pantry had them in there thanks to an incredibly sticky bottle of syrup. I got home and took everything out of the pantry and threw away a lot of food due to the ants and then I went to town with the spray and killed them all! Little man and I decided we wanted Chick Fil A for dinner so off we went. But as soon as I turned onto Rosecrans I realized that they were closed on Sundays. So I went to Wal-Mart to get little man some more pancakes and then we headed home. I got home and made us dinner and then put little man to bed. I then spent the next hour and a half playing COD and completely sucked at it the entire time. Now I am going to go wipe the spray out of the cabinet and clean it and then it's off to bed for this little lady!
from one ant murderer to another the best stuff I've found for ants is called "Terra" and it's a clear liquid that you put on a little piece of cardboard. You'll first see WAY more ants then you first did but that's supposed to happen. In 3-4 days they are gone and you just throw out the cardboard. I get it at Home Depot. It comes in an orange box.