Oh my gosh! I am exhausted. After a 3 day marathon of redoing little man's room we are finally done. I am exhausted. I am so excited. But he was NOT happy about not being allowed in his room for two days.While I was carrying out his toys the other day he was excited at first about having those toys in the living room, but after realizing that they were ALL out there he sat in the floor in front of his door saying "No, no, no..." and he was crying the whole time. It was pitiful. Needless to say he has been depressed all day. It has been so sad. But when he gets home tomorrow he gets to go into his new room! I can't wait to see his face!
Bruce is on his way back to the states right now! I am so excited! I hate that I won't know anything about where he is until he gets to Atlanta. I do know that he is flying through Rome though! Can we say jealous wife?! But I am so happy that he gets to at least go through Rome. That is amazing!
I have cancelled all of our services out there in San Diego (Directv, AT&T, etc...). I changed our insurance information and it lowered it $30 a month. Whoo hoo! I have put together a list of everything that Bruce has to do in order to get the move done quickly and get out of there without any issues. I am just hoping that the Navy gets their butts in gear and gets this move set up quickly. I want him home and so does Bruce Jr. I can't even imagine how little Bruce is going to react when he sees his Daddy show up here! I don't know how I am going to keep myself composed when he gets here. I am crying now just thinking about him coming home and the two of them being together again.
Well, I am off to relax and get some sleep. I am so tired!
I am so happy that you guys get to be a family again soon! I hope everything goes smoothly and quickly for you! We love and miss you guys so much!