I had to say good bye to Jean today. We have known each other for over two years online, but didn't actually meet until this year. But it was like I had known her my whole life. She is one of those friends that you can spend an entire day with and not say two words and you can still have an amazing day together. I like to call her my "doppledanger" because we are alike in so many ways. Except for our cooking abilities, she can cook so good and I'm lucky if my food doesn't burn. We've gotten so close the past few months and saying bye was harder than I could have ever imagined. She will be back in October for a few days to visit, but it won't be the same as having her right down the street. But hopefully we will get stationed together again in the future.

And then there's Chayla and Ayden. Those two munchkins have been such a joy and delight to know. Chayla with her little diva attitude and Ayden with his sweet and happy nature. I couldn't love them anymore even if they were my own. I have enjoyed having them in my life so much and it breaks my heart that I won't get to see them grow up. I hate that I'm not going to hear Chayla's cute little voice saying the funniest things and that I am going to miss out on Ayden coming into his own and learning how to do everything.
And I hate that little man is going to miss out on "knowing" her. He loves her so much and he is so little that he won't remember. It makes this whole situation even harder knowing that. She loves him so much and she is so good with him. And I believe that the more people you have around you loving you the happier you are.
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