Sunday, September 19, 2010

Masks and toys...

Today was such a fun and productive day! We started off by having breakfast with Alicia H. and Rob. Then we went with them to the Halloween store so they could look at costumes. But it turned into our husbands just trying on masks and being silly. And Rob just about broke the display in the front of the store. It was hilarious!

Then it was home for naptime! Then Bruce and I got our recycling together, cleaned the car, started laundry and straightened up. Once little man go up we boxed up the clothes from the yardsale and we took them to a thrift store so unload them. It was awesome! We got $65! We headed to the recycling place right after, but we got there to late and they were closed. Boo! But Bruce is going to go when he gets off work tomorrow. Then we went to Wal-Mart and Bruce was finally able to get little Bruce the Woody doll he wanted to get him for his birthday and I got him his own little fold away couch! He freaked! He loves them both so much! It was adorable! We spent the rest of the day playing at the house having a blast! We had such an awesome weekend.

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