Today was a total lazy day for me and little man. We have been so busy the past few weeks and we both just needed a day to sit around the house and relax. Well, relaxing to me involves dusting, vacuuming, packing up bottles, hanging a paper towel holder in the bathroom and straightening up. I find it hard to just sit around the house and do nothing all day. Little man had a rough morning though. He has been very clumsy lately. He fell like 5 times today just walking or running around the house. Poor little guy. We were both super tired this morning and during naptime we both just passed out. I haven't slept that hard in a while. It was awesome! I felt so bad though. I went up to take little man to bed and then I went straight to bed myself without telling Andrea bye for the day. I did apologize after I woke up though. But after naptime he was back to normal and we had so much fun just playing. He was giving me kisses all day. He also managed to sneak my camera and take a few pictures. Here are some of his photography skills:

I am finding that teaching him to eat solid foods on his own is more difficult than I though. I am not a fan of messes and it is the messiest thing ever. I let him feed himself spaghetti for dinner tonight and he was covered. But he loved it. He looked so proud eating it all by himself.
After he finished eating he went straight up for a bath! He was a mess! But he had so much fun in the bath.
I have recently started watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey and I love it! Oh my gosh! I watch that one, Orange County and D.C. They are so awesome. I always tell Alicia H. that I feel like I understand her people more when I watch it. I am super excited that they are about to start one in Beverly Hills. I have caught up on just about every episode except for the first few from the second season. But it made me realize that we all have a Danielle in our lives. You know, that one person that just WON'T GO AWAY! Ugh. I do love Caroline's view on how to deal with them. LEAVE THEM ALONE. But even though that is the right approach you have to trust people around you to respect you and not bring them up.

Anyways, enough of my little mini rant. I was supposed to hang out with Alicia H. but she ditched me. Yes Alicia I am calling you out! I still love you though. But I am debating on whether or not you are going to get any chocolate chip cookies tomorrow during movie night now. That is how I spent my evening. I ended up baking 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies. I think I just love the smell that they fill my house with. lol Anyways, off to the living room to catch up on some DVR.
Karson loves feeding himself! It is a MESS though! I have a spaghetti picture on my blog too!