Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deployment week...

Well, Bruce is gone. He left on Friday. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he is gone. I miss him so much already and we are only two days into this deployment.

Anyways, on Tuesday my mother in law, Lisa came out to San Diego to surprise Bruce. It was so awesome. I told Bruce I had to go pick up a friend and I went to the airport and got her. Bruce was so happy to have her there. On Wednesday we didn't do much. But we went to go see Jackass 3D that night. It was so dang funny. But there was only one part of the movie that I physically could not stomach. It was the Sweatsuit Cocktail. That was disgusting! Ugh! Thursday we spent the day packing up Bruce's stuff for deployment and trying to get the house together for my rip to Tennessee. We went to Outback for dinner and had HORRIBLE service. Then it was home for our last poof night with friends and then bed.

Friday was D day. Deployment day.

The day started very early. We all got up and got ready and headed to the pier. Bruce put the rest of his stuff on the ship and then we waited on the pier. Bruce and little Bruce were interviewed for the news and that was pretty awesome. When the time came to say goodbye none of us were ready for it. Bruce left and got on the ship and we stood there until he pulled out. After they were gone we raced to Point Loma to watch them go out into the water and then they were gone. We went home and put little man down to nap and then Lisa fell asleep too. I sat there just thinking about the fact that Bruce was gone and I just couldn't accept it. I eventually just went into a blank stare and the next thing I knew it was time for little man to get up. We spent the rest of the day packing and then it was off to bed.

We got up early on Saturday and went off to the airport. We had such good flights, but crazy landings! My Daddy surprised me at the airport! I was so excited! We got home and put little man down. Today we just spent the day at home. I wanted to let him relax and recharge after a rough few days. It was so nice. There isn't much to talk about as far as activites today. My Daddy came over and so did Bruce's Nana. Surprisingly little man is already adjusted to Tennessee time which is pretty awesome! But I'm tired. So good night!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lunch and a movie

I had such an awesome day! I got to sleep in again thanks to my amazing hubby. Then I got up did the dishes and started to get ready to go out with Alicia H. for my birthday present. She picked me up and we went to Chevy's for lunch and then we went to see Life As We Know It. It was pretty good, but it was more sad that I thought it was going to be. She brought me back home and I was so happy to see my little family after watching that movie. We finally got started on carving  little man's pumpkin and Bruce did such a good job on it. It's a Dora pumpkin! It looks awesome! We spent the rest of the day just playing and catching up on our DVR. It was a pretty basic day here at the house.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

It was such a busy day. We got up and went to a birthday party down the street. We couldn't stay long because little man had to eat lunch and take his nap. During naptime I packed our box of stuff to send to Tennessee and taped the heck out of it. Bruce said I added about 10 lbs just in tape. But I like it that way. When little man got up we headed to the post office to ship it off to Tennessee. It costs us about $40 to send it! Whew! But I am happy that I got that out of the way. Then we went to Target to look at headphones for Bruce and got my hair color. After the mall we headed to the NEX to get stuff for Bruce for deployment and we got little man a light winter coat. Then we went to dinner and headed on home. I got started on my hair and got super nervous because it was so red when the color was on. I about freaked! Andrea and Jake came over to play games and it was the funnest game night in recent history. I sweat, Andrea and Jake had us cracking up! We played Clue, Uno and Catchphrase. Well, off to bed!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Work again...

Bruce had to go back to work today. It was so nice having him home for two whole weeks, but now he is gone again. Ugh! But the good news is that it is now the weekend and we get to have him all to ourselves!

Anyways our day was pretty fun. I was kind of happy to have little man all to myself this morning. It's been over two weeks since I have been alone with him like that. We just played and cuddled and I didn't have to share him. But I would have much rather had Bruce home with us though, but seeing as how that wasn't possible I was so happy to have some mommy and son time. The carpet cleaners came back and redid the downstairs carpet which was awesome! I played COD during naptime and then I got ready to go to the Fall Festival that housing puts on for us in the park. He got up and I got him dressed and we headed to the park. It was packed! But little man did so good. He ate so good and then he was fascinated by all the kids in costumes! It was adorable. We didn't stay long because it was kind of hard to be there taking care of him all by myself, but it was so worth it. We came back to the house and relaxed the rest of the night. I put him to bed and played some more COD and worked on laundry. But it's super late and I'm going to bed.

Thursday, October 14, 2010



I slept in until 11 today! Whoo hoo! Once I got up we went to McDonald's for lunch because they were coming to spray for ants in the kitchen. Little man got to stay up past his nap time, but surprisingly it didn't phase him. We came home and put him down around 1 and he went right on down as usual. Then I went to go get ready because once he got up we were going to the zoo!

We got to the zoo around 3:45ish and found out that they closed at 5. So, needless to say we didn't get to see everything. We rode the sky ride though and little man loved it! I was so nervous because I thought he might freak, but he was perfect! We went straight to to polar bears and he tried so hard to get the bears attention and he kept calling it a puppy. But he also called EVERY animal in the zoo a puppy. It was adorable! We got to see the pandas, koalas, elephants and a lion. Then we left to meet up with Alicia H., Rob, Andrea, Jake and Goss at Outback Steakhouse. We had an awesome dinner and went to Target with everyone afterwards.

The boys decided to be children while we were in Target and put on costumes. Jake dressed up as a gorilla and scared the heck out of Alicia H. It was hilarious! Bruce and Rob dressed up as chickens and ran around the store clucking. We had so much fun! Then it was off to the house for poof night. I can't believe that I only have one poof night left before I am in Tennessee.

Well, I'm off to bed.

P.S. Blogger won't show me the upload photo page anymore so that is why I haven't had any photos in a few days.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Basic Day

Today was a pretty uneventful day here at the Estep house. I slept again this morning thanks to my wonderful husband. The I got up and was able to spend some time alone with little man while Bruce was outside detailing our car. I played COD during nap time and the people that USAA hired to clean our couch and did an amazing job. After nap time we went to get new base decals for our car and fulfill our WIC checks. I made little man a mini breakfast feast for dinner. He had eggs, toast and bananas. Lifts man and Bruce went outside for some man time and I cleaned up the kitchen and waited for them to come back in. We all just played and spent family time together until bed time. After little Bruce went down Bruce went to finish the car and I played COD with his brother, Ricky. Bruce finished and came in and we took turns playing. We quit playing around ten and watched One Tree Hill. Well it's off to bed for me.
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Garage Overhaul!

This morning was a complete lazy morning again here in the Estep house. We just laid around and played and watched cartoons. But nap time was a whole nother story. I spent 3 hours trying to get Bruce's XBOX Live to work again since we switched service providers. It had thrown something off with our router. But after a lot of work I got it to work. But I was super annoyed at this point. Anyways, little man woke up and we all went to the garage to get to work on cleaning it out. It looks so different now. We are now able to fit both cars in there. I love it! It looks so clean! Then we came in and I made pizza for dinner and the boys went to take a shower. After dinner I cleaned up and went upstairs to take a shower of my own. Then Alicia H. and Rob came over for another night of COD. It was so much fun! I am going to miss our little get togethers. Bruce and I stayed up late and played for a few hours. I like that I didn't get into playing until now, because it makes it so much more fun to stay up and play with him since it's all new to me. We've been having a blast! But I'm going to go spend some more time with my hubby!

Monday, October 11, 2010


It was such a lazy day here. We just spent the day laying around and playing. They guy from AT&T showed up and finally fixed our home phone line. Time Warner had cut the lines when the old renters lived here. But we were busy after naptime. We went to Verizon because something was going on with the screen of my phone, they fixed it. Then we went to the mall to get my armor put back on and then we headed to Time Warner to turn in our old modem. Then it was home for dinner and bathtime for little man. Alicia H. and Rob came over after bedtime to have a little COD tournament. Bruce placed first, Rob placed second, I placed third and Alicia H. was fourth. It was so much fun! We are doing it again tomorrow at their house on the Playstation. I am so excited. I feel so weird that my blogs have been so short lately, but with Bruce deploying soon I just want to spend my time with him. Well, I'm off to bed.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today was my birthday! I have been here for 23 years now! Today was so awesome! I got to sleep in and spend the rest of the day with my boys. We laid around the house all morning and during naptime I played a few rounds of COD and then got ready for the day. After little man got up we went to Chevy's for dinner. Their present for me was putting Ghost Armor on my new phone and getting me a pretty cover for it. It was just an amazing day. The only thing that could have made it better is if our families were with us. Little man also said mama again at dinner. The little stinker likes to torture me with it. I was going to put pictures on this blog but it won't let me for the second day in a row! Ugh! Well, I am off to go spend some time with the hubby!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Birthday with friends!

Today was so freaking awesome! We started off by going to the pumpkin patch with Alicia H. and Rob! It was so much fun! We got little man a pumpkin and we are going to put Dora on it! I am so excited! Little man had so much fun with all the pumpkins, but it was super hot so we all got tired really quick! After the pumpkin patch we stopped at McDonald's for lunch and headed on home. Little man was so tired. He fell asleep about 5 minutes before we got home. We took him straight up to bed though. I then started getting ready for my night out with the girls!

We left around 5 and went to Chevy's for dinner. It was so amazing as usual! They told them it was my birthday though and I got to wear a sombrero! It was so funny! I had two margaritas and was feeling good though! I managed to talk them into taking me to Verizon before we went to the comedy show and for some reason unbeknown to me I was able to talk them into upgrading me two weeks early! But I am not the proud owner of the Droid X! AHH!!!

We headed straight to the comedy club and got seats! It was so funny! It was nice to go to a comedy show where it wasn't all about sex and stuff like that. It was all jokes that I could tell little man one day. I loved it! The only downside was that there were over 40 teenagers in there from some school being completely loud! After we left I beat Andrea with a bottle in the alley way! Long story, don't ask. Well, I'm super tired and going to bed!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Clean, clean, clean...

I don't think that long is the proper word to describe today. It started off great. But then the cleaning people came. It was easy while they were here, I just hung out upstairs with little Bruce because Bruce had to go to check out on leave today. After the cleaning people left the work began. I had to reorganize EVERYTHING in the kitchen and wash all of our linens. I had to sweep the floor, mop it twice and wax it. Whew...Vacuuming was the worst part though. I had to stay bent down almost the entire time to make sure that the dust wasn't clogging up the filter. It was ridiculous. But I am so happy to have my house back. I feel like I haven't been here in forever! The only things left on my to do list as far as getting the house clean and ready for deployment is getting the new microwave installed, getting the phone and internet fixed and get our carpets cleaned. That is on top of doing everything as far as getting packed for Tennessee and shipping most of it there ahead of time. A few weeks ago I took a picture of all the hair that came out of my head while I was shampooing and I feel like if I did  the same thing tonight I would have double that amount come out in clumps. It's ridiculous. I have so much to do! Ugh...

I am going to make this a short one. I'm to tired to write anymore.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're Home!

Well, I am happy to announce that we are now back home! We got up around 9 and packed up and headed to the house. Bad news is that we have to stay upstairs because little man can't touch anything downstairs until it's cleaned. I spent my morning and afternoon cleaning the upstairs so I am done cleaning. The Servpro people are going to do the downstairs for me! I am super excited about that. They are coming tomorrow morning.

When I checked the mail Bruce's daddy doll had come! We were so excited for him to get up from his nap so we could show him. He loves it! He wouldn't quit smiling and laughing at it. I loved it! We just spent the rest of the day playing upstairs and that's about it. Little man loves being home and so do we.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 3...

We slept in until 8:30 today which was awesome! We got ready and headed on down to the continental breakfast again. We ended up bringing it back to our room and eating in here. I then spent the rest of my morning calling USAA, Servpro, Venturi Clean and our housing trying to coordinate the clean up process. Regardless of whether or not it is clean tomorrow we can go home because the machine that is getting rid of the smoke smell was taken out at 5:00 today. It will be weird to be confined to our upstairs though, but super nice to be home. Bruce found out that this does not count as his leave though! That is a huge relief!

While little man took his nap, both Bruce and I followed his lead and we both passed right out. We woke up around 3:00 and started to get ready to go out for dinner for the last time. We swung by the house on the way to Alicia H.'s house to see what was going on there. We are the proud owners of a new stove. We left and went to Alicia H.'s house and waited for her to get off of work and then we went to PF Changs. It was very interesting. The food was good though. I ended up having to take little man to the car right after I ate because he knew it was bedtime and was getting pretty cranky. We headed straight back to the hotel and put little man down.

By the way, the cleaning people are coming on Friday to clean the downstairs and then they are coming on Monday to steam clean the couch. I am so dang excited.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 2...

Last night went so good! Little man slept so good and so did we. We all woke up and got ready and went to down to the continental breakfast here at the hotel. Little man and Bruce had waffles and cereal. I on the other hand was just wanting coffee. I still have two gift cards to Starbucks from referring people to the ultrasound place we used. So we all came back upstairs and got our stuff together and went to Starbucks and then headed downtown to the children's museum. We had so much fun. There was so much stuff to do there. His favorite part of all of 9it was the blocks for sure. He had so much fun building stuff and knocking it down. He also liked the orange furry wall. There was alot of stuff in there that he couldn't do though. There was clay and paint and we tried the bubbles but all he wanted to do was splash in the bubble liquid. So, needless to say that we didn't stay there very long. I can't wait until he is old enough to not want to eat the paint and clay so we can let him create some art for us.

We headed back "home' after that to eat lunch and put little man down for his nap. He took about 30 minutes to go down this time, but it's understandable because he usually goes down in his bedroom and it's daylight in there. But when we put him down Bruce ran out to get us some lunch and I tried to upload pictures, but it took me about 30 minutes to upload 12 pictures. I have a ton of pictures from the museum, but I won't be able to post them up until we are back in our house. After Bruce got back with lunch we ate and I took a good nap. Little man woke me up and we spent the rest of the afternoon just playing here in the room.

We had to wait for Andrea to get off work for us to go to the house to get Alicia H.'s phone out of there because Andrea didn't have a key to the room. Once she got here we headed to our house and Bruce went in there to get the phone. The smell was pretty intense. I could smell it from the backyard. Bruce didn't cover his mouth or nose at first, but after a minute or two he pulled his shirt up to cover his face. So we decided that we were for sure going to stay in a hotel another night. We took the phone over to Alicia H. and then we went to Taco Bell to get dinner.

When we got back to the room we ate and made little man's dinner and spent the evening hanging out with Andrea and then we put little man to bed and just relaxed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day of phone calls trying to get everything set up with the cleaners and the people that housing hired to get the smoke out of the house and clean up the kitchen. Our insurance has people coming to clean EVERYTHING, and when I say everything I mean every since item that is downstairs. I'm super excited about that. I also have to find out when housing is going to have someone come clean our carpets. But I will be super happy to be back in our house Thursday, even though we are going to be stuck upstairs until everything is done.

Well, I am going to sign off of here, relax and watch The Biggest Loser.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I had such a long day. I didn't get to bed until a little after 1:00 and then at 3:00 little man decided to throw a party in his crib. He had turned on his little musical piano that is in his crib onto continuous play and he turned on his mobile. So I waited until I heard him fall back asleep and I had to sneak in there and turn off the piano. The mobile turns off on it's own. It was so cute to see him sleeping though. I miss napping with the little guy. But we both slept till a little after 8:00 and spent our morning playing. We went upstairs and put away all the laundry and cleaned his bathroom! It was so nice to get that out of the way. I have to clean the entire house really good before we go home on the 23rd. I don't carry little man up and down the stairs anymore because he is becoming more independent, but for some reason he didn't want to go down the stairs on his own this time. We were on the stairs for a good 10 minutes. He finally gave in and came on down though. Whew! I made his lunch and then he went off to nap.

I put a pizza in the oven for my lunch and after a minute or two I go to check on it and the entire stove is on fire! I rush to my extinguisher and call 911 and I contained the fire as best as I could. Once I ran out of CO2 I got little man and went outside until the fire men got here. They put it out and said I did the right thing. We spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get everything worked out with our insurance and housing because the CO2 and whatever the fire men used was all over the place. Operation Homefront booked up a hotel room for the next two days which was amazing! We are now all set up in the hotel. All 4 of us. Andrea was so funny when she found out. But she is here with us. I think we should just adopt her at this point. But I am going to wrap this up and spend time with my family now.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Today was nice and relaxing. I got up and played with little man and continued working on laundry. Nothing interesting really happened this morning. He took an unbelievably long nap though. Rob came to pick me up at 3 to take me to base to get my car and Alicia H. sat at the house with little man and waited for him to get up. I dropped off Bruce's boots and got the car and on the way home I had to pick up some ant killer because our pantry had them in there thanks to an incredibly sticky bottle of syrup. I got home and took everything out of the pantry and threw away a lot of food due to the ants and then I went to town with the spray and killed them all! Little man and I decided we wanted Chick Fil A for dinner so off we went. But as soon as I turned onto Rosecrans I realized that they were closed on Sundays. So I went to Wal-Mart to get little man some more pancakes and then we headed home. I got home and made us dinner and then put little man to bed. I then spent the next hour and a half playing COD and completely sucked at it the entire time. Now I am going to go wipe the spray out of the cabinet and clean it and then it's off to bed for this little lady!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Surprise party!

I got to sleep in until 11:00 this morning! It was awesome! I was supposed to go to the gym while Bruce and little Bruce ran some errands this morning, but I slept to late. But it's okay. I needed some rest. After they got back I played with little man and then he went down for his nap and I got started on doing laundry. Bruce left to go do something secretive so I got ready for the day and caught up on my soaps. After little man got up it was BBQ time! Alicia H., Shaela and Dustin came over and we had a blast. I got turkey burgers since they are almost half the calories of beef burgers and I couldn't even tell the difference! So, needless to say I am now a turkey burger kind of girl. Rob showed up after he finished volunteering at the air show and the girls and I went out for ice cream at Cold Stone.

When we got back Bruce surprised me with my cookie cake! I love cookie cakes! I didn't eat any tonight because I had just had a bowl of ice cream. But little man at a piece and he got it everywhere! It was so funny! Marcy came over while we were gone to Cold Stone too!

We took little Bruce straight upstairs for a bath after he finished eating and then we came down and I cleaned up the kitchen and we all played Catchphrase. It was guys against girls. And us girls got our butts kicked. I'm not sure how that happened, but what can I say. Everyone left and Bruce put little man down for the night and we caught up on Grey's Anatomy. Now it's off to bed for us!

Friday, October 1, 2010

COD Day!

This morning was weird. My little man was still not feeling very good so it was a sad and rough morning for us. He was fine most of it, but after a while he just got to feeling icky and wasn't wanting anything to do with anything. I just tried my best to keep him happy until it was nap time. He ate his lunch and went right on down. I made myself a salad and watched Parking Wars. After I finished eating and cleaned up little man's toy mess I decided to try and improve my skills on COD. And I have to say, I'M NOT VERY GOOD. I was playing on live and after my team won a guy on the speaker said "and we even had a handicap, a 11 kill handicap to be exact." I got killed 11 times in one round and didn't kill anyone on my own. It was so funny. But it's fun to try. But those guys get so intense when they play. It's crazy. This one guy was on there just cussing and yelling and all this stuff. It was ridiculous. Bruce got off work before little man got up so as soon as little man was up and dressed we left to go run some errands. We got our home phone, new AT&T modem and a few other things. We headed on home and it was dinner time. Little man and I had grilled cheese and Bruce has leftovers from last night. After that they went outside for their nightly man time and then Bruce gave him a bath while I went to work on hooking up our new internet and phone service. At this moment I still don't have it set up so hopefully in the morning I can look at it with fresh eyes and get it done. Bruce and I played a few rounds of COD and he kicked my butt. But that was completely expected. We were going to catch up on some shows tonight, but we played for to long and this whole internet thing complicated that. But the good news is that I get to sleep in tomorrow. I love that Bruce lets me sleep in whenever he is here. It's such an amazing gift. I have always been a lover of sleep, but since having little man my incredible sleep sessions are few and far between. I know I am not going to be so sleep deprived when I get home to Tennessee, but there is something different about that. I love that little Bruce gets that one on one attention with his Daddy and I know Bruce loves it too. Since Bruce is deploying soon I just want the two of them to spend as much time as they can together. I am not looking forward to next month. Anyways, enough of the sad stuff. I am off to work on this internet thing some more and then hit the sheets.